
In February 2021 a `Surviving the Streets` foodbank became available in our courtyard.....
James Robinson from the charity Surviving the Streets contacted one of our Churchwardens, Maureen Harman, and asked whether there would be any possibility of placing a food bank locker at Christ Church as the charity and the council felt there was an urgent need for one in central St Leonards.
Maureen spoke to Bishop Peter, (Priest-in-charge of Christ Church at the time) and he and the other clergy were in full agreement and keen to help as part of our outreach mission.
After long delays over red tape legalities and order waiting times the lockers are here and ready for use in the courtyard.
The church was able to fund this project through one of our charities and it has been an excellent team effort between clergy, some members of the congregation and Surviving the Streets.
The article above was published on our Facebook profile at the time of installation of the bank.
To Access Food
QR code to the foodbank registration form

To donate food
The bank is open for donations 24 hours a day 7 days a week
follow the on screen instructions at the bank.
Surviving the Streets Hastings Office: 01424 850 219
Out of Hours Contact: 07929 176462