The Choir
We have the services of a Director of Music leading a small choir of mainly adult voices. New choir members are always welcome, no previous experience is required. Contact the Parish Office/Director of Music for more information if you wish to join.
​We warmly welcome music groups from outside the Church to use our buildings. ​
We have enjoyed visits from Battle Choral Society, Hastings Philharmonic Choir & organ concerts among others.
A Bechstein Grand piano was donated to us by a generous benefactor, which is available for use in concerts etc...
Christ Church has had a long musical tradition, the internationally famous counter tenor, Alfred Deller, sang in the choir before moving to Canterbury and later gave concerts. Walter Goss Custard and Allan Biggs are among our past organists.
Our Holdich Church Organ
The enthusiasm of Walter Goss Custard led to the installation of a four-manual Holdich organ of 43 stops that was commissioned on 18 April 1882. The organ was built into a gallery in the south-east corner of the church (to the right of the high altar). The 1882 organ remained in use until 1928. It was rebuilt by Norman and Beard in 1901/02 with new Great and Swell sound-boards, much re-voicing and a new Tuba. The same firm made stop changes in 1914.
After a complete breakdown in 1929 the instrument was rebuilt by Willis as a three-manual, and the opportunity was taken to remove the organ to the recently erected rear gallery where the organ was divided. The rebuilt organ was dedicated on 7 May 1930. Walkers carried out further (largely conserving work) on the organ in the 1970s which included rebuilding the Great Organ.

Hastings Early Music Festival Concert
Images from a Mendelssohn Octet concert in 2023