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PALS (Praise and Learning on Sundays)
PALS is the name we devised for our Sunday School to make it sound less like teaching and more about worship and exploring. 

We have a brightly-coloured room in the crypt where we meet and have books and resources freely available. The children begin mass in church and after receiving their Bible from the celebrant during the opening hymn, spend time having stories and activities in their room. They return to

Mass at the offertory. 

The teaching follows the liturgical calendar, or theme, over a few weeks. PALS meets during term time with breaks for Easter, Summer and Christmas. This allows leaders time to enjoy the mass and also for the children to attend if they would like to.


There is a carpeted area along the South pews which is available for children to sit during the service with supervision from one of the safeguarding team.  Children's books about the Christian faith in addition to other books, various toys and Children's chairs are kept there.

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